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Treatment for Sleep Apnea in Weatherford

February 25, 2016

Filed under: Sleep Apnea,Uncategorized — Tags: — drromack @ 3:35 am

Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder that results when a person’s breathing is interrupted while they sleep. Essentially, a person with sleep apnea will stop breathing multiple times during the night. There are a number of factors that can cause the interruptions in breathing, which can occur hundreds of times each night. When left untreated, there are serious implications to one’s health. In addition, their overall quality of life decreases due to lack of quality sleep. We are proud to offer treatment for sleep apnea in Weatherford to help you get a restful night’s sleep while reducing your risk for potentially deadly health complications.

Understanding Sleep Apnea

There are a number of factors that increase a person’s risk for developing sleep apnea, such as being overweight, large tonsils, and even airway obstructions, however, anyone is able to develop sleep apnea. There are two types of sleep apnea, which both require treatment. The most common type of sleep apnea is Obstructive Sleep Apnea, which results when the airways become blocked. Often, this is caused from the muscles in the back of the throat collapsing.

The second type of apnea is known as Central Sleep Apnea, which occurs when the brain doesn’t send correct signals to the areas that are responsible for controlling breathing. This causes an instability in the respiratory control center, producing the interruptions while sleeping.

When sleep apnea is left untreated, a person’s risk for developing high blood pressure, stroke, and heart failure increases. Not to mention, there’s an increased risk for developing diabetes. Overall quality of life is impacted as apnea can lead to depression, worsening ADHD, headaches, daytime fatigue, and decreased work productivity.

Symptoms of Sleep Apnea

Often, the symptoms go unnoticed by the person affected by sleep apnea. Usually, it’s the spouse who notices the interruptions in breathing and the abnormally loud snoring. However, other symptoms of apnea can manifest to include choking and gagging sensations, increased fatigue throughout the day, headaches, restlessness during sleep, and even changes in mood. Thankfully, the symptoms of apnea and additional risks can be resolved with sleep apnea therapy in Weatherford.

Sleep Apnea Treatment

While there are certain lifestyle factors that can be used to treat some cases of apnea, such as losing weight or avoiding alcohol, most cases of apnea will require intervention. The most common form of treatment for apnea involves the use of Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP). CPAP is a device that is worn over the mouth and nose while sleeping to deliver a steady stream of oxygen. The delivery of oxygen through light pressure helps to keep their airways open to decrease breathing interruptions.

By resolving the irregularities of breathing during sleep, proper oxygen levels are maintained to reduce the symptoms of apnea. In addition, your risk for developing more severe health complications will also be reduced.

As a dentist in Weatherford, we specialize in sleep apnea. We offer therapy for sleep apnea in Weatherford using CPAP. We’ll create a customized treatment plan to help you sleep better at night while improving your overall health.

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114 W Columbia St., Weatherford, TX 76086 USA
Deborah A. Romack, DDS Weatherford, TX dentist providing sleep apnea therapy. (817) 594-3806