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How Sleep Apnea Treatment in Weatherford Protects Your Health

June 7, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — drromack @ 5:17 pm

A man with chest pain.Sleep apnea is a condition that affects your ability to receive oxygen as you sleep. In most cases, this is due to an obstruction in the mouth caused by the tongue or soft palate, but in other cases it can be caused by an issue in the brain. Regardless, it’s important you seek sleep apnea treatment in Weatherford the moment you get diagnosed.

Without treatment, many parts of your body are at risk of damage or developing disease.

How Sleep Apnea Affects the Brain

Most people understand that sleep apnea makes retaining good sleep difficult, resulting in larger bouts of fatigue. However, because REM sleep is needed to maintain information learned throughout the day, you’re more likely to suffer from memory loss due to sleep apnea. It also increases the amount of brain fog you experience and can even affect your mood.

Patients with sleep apnea are often more irritable or depressed than those who achieve a full night’s sleep. If your current job or daily life requires critical thinking, quick problem solving, or large amounts of multi-tasking, it could make work extremely difficult or even impossible.

Why Your Heart is At Higher Risk of Disease

One of the areas of the body most at risk is the heart and circulatory system. Patients with sleep apnea experience a higher risk of high blood pressure, which will only make your breathing problems worse if you have sleep apnea. Additionally, patients with sleep apnea often have higher levels of LDL cholesterol, a risk factor for heart disease. Sleep apnea has also been linked to irregular heart rhythm, also known as arrhythmia, stroke, and heart failure.

How Breathing Problems Can Appear

If you already have asthma symptoms or been diagnosed with asthma, it’s incredibly important to seek sleep apnea treatment in Weatherford to prevent these symptoms from worsening. Speaking of breathing problems, repeated pauses in breathing during sleep lowers your blood oxygen levels, making it more difficult for red blood cells to transport oxygen to the lungs.

Why Your Digestion and Blood Sugar Levels Are At Risk

Sleep apnea has also been linked to fatty liver disease, which increases the number of liver enzymes in the body, higher inflammation, and makes you feel more fatigued throughout the day. Sleep apnea also increases your risk of developing type 2 diabetes, which is also a risk factor for fatty liver disease. If you already have type 2 diabetes, it becomes even more difficult to manage with untreated sleep apnea.

There’s no reason not to seek sleep apnea therapy in Weatherford, especially when so much is at risk. Schedule an appointment to get it treated once and for all!

About the Author

Dr. Deborah A. Romack earned her Doctor of Dental Surgery degree from the Baylor College of Dentistry. She’s attended numerous continuing education courses on obstructive sleep apnea, airway obstruction, and upper airway resistance syndrome. With her expertise, technology, and practice’s equipment, she can identify your signs, symptoms, and provide the most accurate diagnosis possible. To learn more about her sleep apnea treatments, contact her through her website.

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114 W Columbia St., Weatherford, TX 76086 USA
Deborah A. Romack, DDS Weatherford, TX dentist providing sleep apnea therapy. (817) 594-3806